The past year has been a whirlwind of Music. I have to hand it to OZ, they attract the kind of bands I’m into. Most of them are small indie groups that are fairly underground, you wouldn’t hear them on any of the big corporate radio stations in the states that’s for sure! The aussies have a real taste for good underground music and are extremely appreciative when someone takes the time to make the trek down here. As big as this place is, there are only a handful of decent sized cities here. You have Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth that’s really about it. Usually the last two are off the list anyway as they are way the hell on the other side. So anyone touring down here can really only look forward to around 5 shows max. That’s a long way to go for five shows! So I think everyone here is thrilled when someone shows up, and we all give them a big “Aussie Good On Ya Mate!”
Heres a little photo journal of some of my exploits:
THE SHINS: Busselton Show Grounds
Indie angst and self-loathing rock at its finest. Only two albums and these guys are taking over. No one really knew who they were till the movie Garden State, now they are rock stars. Basically it’s a one man band as I realized at this show. Yer man Mercer here is in total control and writes everything. The other guys just play some insturments.

You will all buy my records! As a disciple of Satan I command you!
EARTHCORE: Shpongle, Hallucinogen, and Simon Possford, Middle of fucking nowhere, Queensland
Simon Possford is known to be one of the main doods in the whole Psytrance scene. I have been listening to a bit of this stuff lately as there are heaps of bush parties on the east coast. Good fun getting outa yer head and dancing in the jungle with a bunch of feral hippies. It is basically electronic psycadellic music. It has certain sounds and a certain groove that separates it from the vast collection of boring electronica. I’m still figuring out what makes a good DJ and how they do it all. Well I sat through a full night of ho hum DJs and acts and finally Possford came on at sunrise in his Hallucinogen form. Well it was worth the wait! He sent us all to another planet, and everyone was getting their groove on. Remember this is at 5 in the morning and everyone has been standing around all night! A Shpongle set later in the morning sealed the deal and I’m a devoted fan now. Now if I could just remember where I put my car keys???!!! And why are all these people staring at me??!!

Uh oh! Me thinks its startin to kick in….
Simon Breakin it down!
Come down time at home base.
BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE: The Zoo, Brisbane, Qld.
Omi God! I was so excited when these guys announced a tour down here. The whole fam damly have been devoted fans since Ian introduced us to them. I have been geeking out on them ever since. They are an eclectic mix of indie rock, ambient electronica, and intelligent folk, if that makes any since!?! They are based in Toronto and are a collection of something like 6 different bands. Every member has some connection to another project, and there are lots of them, at one time I counted 5 guys wailing on guitar, a drummer 2 guys on horns, 1 Bass, 2 girls singing, they just kept coming. They are also made up of some of my other favourites these days. Check out the ambient electric guitar ramblings of DO MAKE SAY THINK, and the brilliant break-ups suck lyrics of STARS.
This show was a total inspiration. I realize now what I want to do with my life…I WANNA ROCK!!!! Is it a Coincidence I bought a sweet new electric and amp the day of the show??? I think not.
Ow Me So Horny! Me Love You Long Time!
What will the next few months bring? Looking forward to going to see Augie March a good aussie folk rock unit from Melbourne, might go and see Sigur Ros…AGAIN they are back to play the Byron Blues and Roots Festival, which has quite an amazing line up as always. So I’ll just sit back and let them all come to me. You gotta love good music, and it all seems to filter it way down to the Southern Hemisphere eventually….You listening Sufjan???