Friday, July 01, 2005

100 year flood

Well yet another rainy day here in BrisVegas. I've been here since mid June now running off to interviews all over Australia. and trying to get my life sorted again. Recently quit my job on the Gold Coast as the situation was not one conducive to me staying sane. Since then things have been a wild and crazy ride. I had pretty much fixed things in my mind that I would be returning to the states tail between my legs and starting all over. I had a major break through personally the weekend after I quit. I decided I wasn't going to be bummed out anymore. Only I could make myself happy, and I decided I wasn't going to be miserable my last days in Australia. At the time I was under the impression I only had 28 days to get a new visa sorted before I had to leave the country.

So I was pretty sure I wasn't going to find another sponsor in that time, but I wasn't going to give up yet. Damit I invested too much time here to just walk away from it. This would be my normal stratagy but I'm working on changing that. So as a last ditch attempt, I carpet bombed the country with my resume'. Then low and behold, a week later, I'm a friggin' rock star. I have 5 recruiters vying for my attention and am being flown down to Sydney for interviews. Its like I got sucked up in some vortex and drop through a worm hole to an alternate universe where my skills are in high demand.

So the next step was deciding on which one of my multiple offers to take. In the end, I decided on a position with a big Australian company here in Brissy, Connell Wagner. They seemed to have the best offer and I just clicked with my interviewer. Plus they pay overtime no questions asked. So here I am waiting to start a new job, I'll fill you in as soon as I know whats happening.

So lately, I've been sitting her in St. Lucia watching the rain come down for days. The Gold Coast experienced a 100 year rain event yesterday and is completely flooded and rained out. The airport looks like a lake. It was ment to be a "fine" day here according to the blonde weather lady last night, but its dumping down now. Bugger guess I'm trapped inside again. Probobly wander downtown and check out War of the Worlds today and maybe get a Sigur Ros ticket. Nothing like intergalactic destruction and ambient Icelandic tunes on a rainy day.

For any interested, my dad and uncle Paul just completed an epic flight in the Maule up to Alaska last week. Here are some links to the photo journal. Quite a journey, they are over the moon. Enjoy:


At 8/14/2005 2:33 AM, Blogger graham said...

Hey Leonard great to hear from you, hope you look here again. Sorry I been a little MIA lately, but Im back now, things going well. How's Orlando? Ill send you and Email..


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