Sunday, October 16, 2005

Mackay Livin'

Hey all, yes I'm still here. Been a little busy worker bee for the past month, and haven't had much time to post. But I have the technology now and the photos to prove all the craziness that has been happening. Been spending lots of time working up in Mackay mid way up the Qld coast. This area is famous for its MASSIVE coal loading terminals. Seems Australia has one of the largest terminals in the world and they want it to be bigger. Thats where I come in...

Basically the two terminals are Hay Point and Darlymple Bay. Both have massive trains that come in and dump the coal, we are talking 4km long trains here around the clock. Its then taken via high speed conveyor out 4km to be loaded onto 200,000tonne ships. I am here doing a geotechnical investigation for the new berths, warf and approach path for both terminals.

My new home is this here man made island a jack up Barge. I think of it as some robotic creature. It has these 100ft legs it puts down to the sea floor and jacks up to a safe level. Then we drill for soil and rock samples. Its not my ideal tropical island getaway, but it will have to do for now:

It ends up being long days ie 12 hours, and we are on the go as long as the weather is good, but its pretty cool being in charge of this massive piece of equipment. We have to stay intouch with the ship controlers so we don't get in the way of some massive bulk cruiser.

Its tough work but someones got to do it, there just too many fish in the sea:

So Im basically up here 2 weeks on then 2 weeks back in Brisbane. Let me tell you those two weeks back in civilization goes quickly. Lots of socializing to catch up on and heaps of laundry then its back up north for a while. Least I have a comfy home to come back to here in Brisbane. Awww white picket fence how domestic:

Here is a cool shot of Brissy from the plane, the river gives the city a nice feel, but don't use is as a land mark as it winds all over the place. I live in the bottom left corner:

More to come soon, I have to get up now and make a batch of quiches for my beer and brunch unfortunately its pissing down rain so it may be an indoor affair. look for more updates soon, Im pulling myself out of this Blog slackerdom now.


At 11/02/2005 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool man


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