Antipodial Adventures
Rants, Raves and Ramblings From the Southern Hemisphere
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Joanna Newsom

Concert of the month was the amazing Joanna Newsom. I've been a fan for about a year now and was over the moon when I heard she was coming all the way up to Brisbane. She is an incredible artist and put on one amazing show despite having a cold and the fact that the venue was like a sauna.
She is an unassuming powerhouse. She walks onstage this cute shy elvin creature. Then she sits down and wraps her arms around her massive orchestral harp and starts into the most amazing sincopated multi layered rythum. Then the voice begins! She belts out her voice and fills the room with her enchanting lyrics. Its amazing such a sound can come out of that little frame. Granted her voice can take some getting used to, but it is powerful in its own.
I found her voice was really strong live even though she was a bit hoarse from the cold. Myself and all my music nerd friends all walked out of that show completely in LOVE. I never thought of the harp as a SEXY insturment, but that show was incredibly more ways than one. It must have been 100 degrees in there, they had two massive industrial fans but they didn't quite do it, and they sure didn't add to the atmosphere.
The opening act was Alt country lo fi legend Smog. Also a bit of getting used to but he is quite amazing. Very lo fi and tounge in cheek. Check him out if you have the time. Great one-liners set to some chill acoustic and simple arrangements. I'd recommend the album Knock Knock as a starter.
Few more shows on the horizon. Shins, Earthcore with Shpongle et al, Jamariqui at the outdoor amphitheatre down the road. Looks like it may be a fun "Winter" season.